‘All About The Banjo Uke’ Book

If you are into your banjo ukuleles then this is a must have!

With 16 chapters over 300 A4 sized pages it is packed with information and pictures.

The book is hard back and the quality of the book and pages themselves is high quality.

The book was seven years in the making and extensive factual research carried out which takes you through the history of the banjo uke told from its invention, through to the great vintage manufacturers of Ludwig, Gibson, Abbott and Bacon (including Bacon & Day).

The book was published in 2018 and has high quality coloured photos with a few details of the companies and the instruments that they made abound, and there is much more information and photographs about other great makers past and present.

This book also includes information about the great case makers as well as the ownership of George Formby’s banjo ukes,

and it is also full of interesting facts and stories about a multitude of people (including a chapter on George Harrison). 

We have seen it, read it and highly recommend it!

 - Alan & Alyson

The Banjo Uke book is £30.00 plus p&p and are nearly all sold out. Grab yourself a book before they are all gone, it is worth every penny and you will not find a better book on banjo ukuleles.

This book has been so popular that is has sold in 17 different countries around the world.


The latest book contains 192 pages and around 497 photographs which show a variety of

instruments made by at least 38 different manufacturers. Most pages contain at least two colour photographs.

The book is produced to the same size and quality as the first one and the author John Croft has not let us down.

Price: £20 plus P&P. 

We have ours!

To purchase either books, contact the author ‘John Croft’ directly.

Tel: 01691 828850

Email: theukuleleman.com@gmail.com